Bird Control Needed to Protect National Historic Landmarks

Bird Control Needed to Protect National Historic Landmarks

Posted on August 29, 2014 by Kathy Fritsch in Bird Control

Around the country there are many National Historic Landmarks. A National Historic Landmark is a building, structure, object or site that is officially recognized by the United States government for its national level of historical significance. There are about 80,000 historic properties that the National Park Service deem to be worthy of recognition. As an example, in California there are 142 National Historic Landmarks and in Massachusetts there are 186, with 57 of them being in Boston. Bird control is needed on these precious sites to protect the buildings from the birds destructive droppings. The sites need to be preserved for future generations and history. These buildings, monuments and statues are often times restored back to their original designs, and this needs to be protected.

Most of these historical buildings have ornate structures and very intricate architectural designs. While people find this intriguing, the pest birds find these areas home. Birds will look for hidden away areas to roost and nest and these types of building are the prefect find. The problem is the birds feces. The droppings contain uric acid which is very harmful to most exteriors. It will either stain permanently or eat through the surface. Thousands upon thousands of dollars are spent each year cleaning up the droppings off of buildings, cars, homes, airports, etc. There would be a much higher cost of repair on historical buildings.

Safe and human bird control methods are on the market that can help the restored buildings stay that way. The type of bird control product needs to protect the integrity of the building and the aesthetics of the historical structure. If there is any restorative work that is being done on the building that is the ideal time to install a bird control strategy. Scaffolding is usually already in place and the restoration work and bird control installation can be done at the same time.

The bird control method that is selected for these types of buildings needs to be very low profile. Bird Jolt Flat Track is an electrical track system that is very low profile bird control product. It is a fairly flat surface that produces a mild electrical shock when the birds land on its surface. It has a patented anti-arcing and glue trough design and it is the safest most effective electric track available. The shock will not harm the birds but will condition them to stay away from the area. It is a perfect behavior modification system.

Another type of bird control product that can be used on curved or flat surfaces are bird spikes. Plastic bird spikes can be glued, screwed or tied down. The spikes come in different colors to protect the aesthetic s of the structure. When installed correctly, bird spikes are not seen from the ground. If there is special concern about placing physical bird control products on the building itself, there is a sound deterrent that will scare the birds away by broadcasting distress calls. The unit can be placed anywhere and the sound will carry over an acre. With additional speakers, five acres can be protected using this sound deterrent.

There are various ways to deter the pest birds. It is a good idea to consult with a bird control specialist to help guide you to the appropriate bird control product for your particular need.