Airport Bird Control
How Do Airports Keep Birds Away?

Proven bird control methods for airports can be incorporated into the runways & grass fields, hangers, terminals, parking structures, loading docks and more. Our bird control experts have simplified the process by categorizing the most common areas birds tend to inhabit at airports.
Common Areas Exposed to Birds:
Navigate to the specialized pages by clicking the links bulleted below. Each page will focus on the specific bird problems commonly experienced in the areas.
- Hangers & Warehouses
- Parking Structures
- Loading Dock Canopies
- Ledges and Parapets
- Runways, Ponds & Grass Fields
Birds On Runways, Ponds and Open Fields
The most effective methods for these open areas will be products focusing on the bird’s senses. Sound and visual deterrents should be utilized for these parts of the airport to scare birds away. Sound deterrents use recorded distress calls or loud explosions to scare birds out of runways and grass fields. Visual deterrents such as high powered lasers are perceived as predatory threats, driving flocks of geese away from runways. High tensile strength Pond Netting can be suspended over bodies of water, excluding waterfowl from accessing ponds. These methods will assist in mitigating bird activity in open exposed areas of the airfield.
Agrilaser Handheld
- High powered green laser frightens birds
- Drive large flocks off airport properties
- Immediate results, range up to 2,500 meters
Pond Netting
- Excludes waterfowl from marsh ponds, tailing ponds, retention ponds and more
- Made from high density UV protected polyethylene knotted netting (HDPE)
Airport Bird Control Recommendations
If you are unsure of which airport bird control products to use, please give our Bird Control Experts a call at 1-800-392-6915. Our team of experts are ready to identify the problem and help find the best possible solution for your airport.