Bird Control Products

At Bird B Gone we offer a complete line of Bird Control Products tailored for all skill levels, from your bird management professional to the avid DIYer. We encourage our customers to explore each category to find the ideal bird pest control product. Built on the trust of our customers, Bird B Gone has invested in supplying the residential, commercial, agricultural, and industrial sectors with humane and effective bird control solutions. With a little help below, we are sure you will find the right bird repellent device to send those birds flying. 


At Bird B Gone, we measure our success by the success we create for our customers.

Our goal is not to simply sell products, but to help solve bird problems effectively, humanely and economically. We pride ourselves on our commitment to high quality products, training and customer service.

We encourage customers to call in for advice on choosing the correct bird deterrent depending on the species of bird, their behavior and the area they are posing a problem. We also offer free training and support for all aspects of bird control.

Our professional grade bird deterrents are manufactured in the US and carry industry-leading guarantees. For help choosing the right product for your bird problem call us at 800-392-6915 or email


  • Bird Spikes: Physical bird deterrent humanely prevents large birds from landing on flat or curved surfaces.
  • Bird Netting: Used as a physical barrier to block birds unwanted areas. Humane and 100% effective.
  • Electric Track Bird Deterrents: Low profile electric track systems do not harm birds but do condition them to avoid the area.
  • Bird Slope: Blocks birds from landing on beams and ledges. Effective where birds have been nesting.
  • Bird Wire: Post and wire system creates an unstable, uncomfortable landing surface for large birds.
  • Bird Spiders: Used for concentrated areas, these bird deterrents move in the wind to scare birds from landing.
  • Bird Repellers: Spin continuously to prevent birds from landing.
  • Bird Repellents: Use nontoxic agents that birds cannot stand to keep areas bird free.
  • Professional Bird Traps: Used to trap and relocate birds.
  • Bird Sound Deterrents: Use recorded bird distress and predator calls to scare birds from large open And More!

It is important to choose the correct bird control product for your particular pest bird problem. If you are having trouble choosing the correct product, please call our product specialists at 800-392-6915 for help!

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Bird Spikes

Bird spikes, also known as Bird Control Spikes, are considered one of the most effective bird deterrents available for pigeons, seagulls, crows, and similar sized birds. Ideal for the residential, commercial, and industrial sectors, bird spikes insta…

Bird Netting

The best Bird Netting in the industry guaranteed! We offer more than quality bird netting, we provide you with all the tools and bird net installation training you need to get the job done. We offer seasonal garden netting for birds as well as heavy-duty permanent bird mesh; you're certain to find the bird control solution you need at Bird B Gone.

Electric Track

These unique electric track systems impart a mild electrical shock when birds land on them. The shock will not harm birds, but will condition them to avoid the area.

Bird Wire

The Bird Wire System from Bird-B-Gone is low-profile and is used to keep large birds off ledges, parapet walls, rooflines, handrails and more.

What is Bird Wire?

Laser Bird Control

The principle of repelling birds with a laser is inspired by nature. Birds perceive the approaching laser beam as a physical danger, which causes them to fly away.

Bird Repellents

Bird Repellents are made to help repel birds quickly and humanely from your property. Choose from a wide selection of Bird B Gone products to find the perfect bird repellent for your bird problem.

What are Bird Repellents?

Liquid Bird Repellents

Bird B Gone offers a number of highly effective and humane liquid bird repellent sprays designed to drive birds away and stave off the many problems caused by nuisance birds. Our non-toxic, easy-to-use bird repellents help resolve all different types…

Bird Repellent Gel

Bird Repellent Gel is used to prevent pigeons and other large birds from roosting and congregating in unwanted areas. The unique combination of smells and the sticky sensation on their feet causes birds to stop landing on the surface and leave the area.

Bird Repellent Gel Products

Bird Deterrents

Bird deterrents are an important ingredient in every bird control strategy. Deterrents discourage birds from visiting your property and, depending upon the specific product, may completely prevent them from landing or nesting. Bird B Gone carries a w…

Physical Bird Deterrents

By far, the simplest, most straightforward approach to managing a bird problem is to find ways to prevent birds from roosting or nesting in your area by using physical bird deterrents. Physical bird deterrents work by making an area inaccessible to b…

Sound Bird Deterrents

How Sound Bird Deterrents Work Sound bird deterrents leverage the natural behaviors and instincts of birds, using audio cues like distress calls and predator sounds to create an environment that feels unsafe for birds. These humane deterrents effecti…

Solar Panel Bird Deterrent

Find a Solar Mesh Installer in your areaRooftop solar panels create an ideal environment for pigeons and other pest birds to nest and roost. The solar panel bird deterrent is designed to prevent pest birds from accessing the area beneath solar arrays.

Visual Bird Deterrents

Deterring birds with visual bird deterrents are a quick and easy way to start any bird control program.  The principle is simple: visual bird deterrents work to frighten birds away from treated areas by using common optical scare triggers s…

Aromatic Bird Repellents

Can solving your bird problem be as easy as using a smell to repel birds? With the help of Bird B Gone’s revolutionary aromatic bird repellents, the answer to this question is a definitive yes. See how aromatics repellents send birds flying.…

Woodpecker Deterrent

Woodpecker Deterrent That Keeps Woodpeckers Away

The best way to keep woodpeckers away is to install woodpecker deterrents and woodpecker repellents. There are several methods for deterring woodpeckers from your property. Our bird control experts have listed Bird B Gone’s most popular recommendations below. 

Woodpeckers are protected both federally and by state laws, prohibiting any harm or capturing of the bird species. This means only non-lethal, humane, and proactive methods should be used to deter them.

Why Do Woodpeckers Drill Holes

Woodpeckers drill holes for a variety of reasons, but these three are the most common. 

  • Creating a nesting cavity 
  • Mating call to attract a mate
  • Looking for insect and bug larva (bees, beetles, etc.)

One of the most obvious is to excavate a cavity for nesting or roosting and another is to search for food. In the spring, woodpeckers also use a rhythmic pecking called "drumming" to establish a territory and attract a mate. Complaints of woodpeckers on houses during this period indicate that the birds are using the house as a "singing" post. Woodpecker damage typically consists of holes drilled into wood siding or trees. A woodpecker will select a tree or home for no particular reason. They will usually choose a few favorite areas and attack them repeatedly throughout a mating season. It seems they prefer softer woods like cedar and redwood siding.

Each year woodpeckers cause hundreds of dollars of damage to homes, structures, buildings and utility poles throughout the country. They will hammer on the sides of our houses and other buildings to attract mates, establish or defend a territory, excavate a nesting or roosting site, and to search for insects. Drumming sites can include wooden shingles, cedar siding, metal or plastic gutters, antennas and light posts. Woodpeckers love the loud sounds they produce. They frequently damage cedar, rough pine redwood siding and some synthetic stucco finishes; causing thousands of dollars in damage each year.

Woodpecker Deterrents

Woodpecker deterrents come in various forms such as visual and sound deterrents and even netting. Visual and sound deterrents are very accessible and easy to install. This makes them the perfect deterrents for your first line of defense. The items below are a few of the most popular items for first-timers looking for a quick fix to a new woodpecker problem. Pair sound and visuals for a better chance at scaring woodpeckers away from your home. 

  1. Woodpecker Deterrent Kit. The Woodpecker Kit includes visual woodpecker deterrents such as the scare balloon, red/silver flash tape, and brackets to install the items. This kit is perfect for those looking to solve newly developed woodpecker problem. You can easily increase the area of coverage by adding additional rolls of flash tape and scare balloons purchases separately.
  2. Bird Chase Super Sonic & Solar Bird Chase Units. These units incorporate woodpecker distress calls and predatory hawk calls to frighten birds into leaving the area. They both cover up to an acre in area. Pairing these units with the Woodpecker Kit and or other visual scare tactics increases your chances of humanely driving unwanted birds away from your house.
  3. Woodpecker Deterrent Netting. Sometimes you need something that will do more than just scare away birds, that’s when our 3/4" Garden Netting is ideal. Why? Well it's inexpensive, durable, UV stabilized and its 3/4" mesh is perfect for stopping woodpeckers. Suspend this net from the roof down past the damaged areas. You can staple or use brackets, whichever is easier for you. This will block those pest woodpeckers from destroying your sidewalls. If you don’t mind having a net suspended temporarily until woodpeckers move on, this is hands down the best method to use. For permanent installations, we recommend looking into our heavy-duty bird netting.

Woodpecker Repellent

Woodpecker repellents incorporate taste and smell to drive woodpeckers away from your property. Unlike visual and sound deterrents, woodpecker repellents do not need to be seen or heard to be effective. They are low-profile and highly effective, making them extremely popular for residential and commercial applications. Incorporating these repellents with sound and visual deterrents will surely create a no-fly zone. 

  1. Avian Block Pouches are a powerful grape-scented aromatic woodpecker repellent. Avian Block uses grape seed extract, otherwise known as Methyl Anthranilate, to irritate birds. Unlike other woodpecker repellent sprays, Avian Block delivers the grape extract in a granular pouch form.  Hang pouches where damage has been seen to repel birds from the area. Once woodpeckers breath in the grape seed extract they quickly learn to evade the area. Each Pouch covers a 10’ x 10’ x 10’ area (1,000 cubic feet). 
  2. BeakGuard Repellent Paint is a paint-based woodpecker repellent. When birds peck at the painted areas, the irritating taste repels the woodpeckers. Woodpeckers will quickly associate the irritating taste with the painted areas, driving them away. This paint is available in 20 different color options to match your home aesthetic. 

When the season ends and the woodpeckers migrate away from your area, most of the woodpecker deterrents that you have been installed can be put away and stored for next year. It is a good idea to add woodpecker control to your list of spring activities like opening the pool or boat, putting out the patio furniture and cleaning off the barbecue.



Bird Control Hazers, Fogging and MA

Bird B Gone offers a number of bird control hazers which are effective and humane solutions for deterring pest birds and geese from open and semi-open spaces.

Bird Traps and Capture Nets

Bird Traps and Capture Nets

When trapping is necessary, Bird B Gone has the widest selection of humane live bird traps and capture nets available in a variety of sizes to help accommodate the species of pest bird posing a problem.

Adhesives and Sealants

Bird B Gone has the adhesives needed to properly install bird control products. Our adhesives and sealants provide exceptional adhesion to wood, metal, glass, fiberglass, ceramics, masonry, concrete, asphalt, vinyl and more.

Sanitation and Equipment

Protect yourself while cleaning up your job site! When pest birds gather and roost in, on or near human habitable areas, they can quickly pose a number of health and safety hazards. Bird B Gone has the sanitation products and equipment to remove bird droppings.


At Bird B Gone, we measure our success by the success we create for our customers.

Our goal is not to simply sell products, but to help solve bird problems effectively, humanely and economically. We pride ourselves on our commitment to high quality products, training and customer service.

We encourage customers to call in for advice on choosing the correct bird deterrent depending on the species of bird, their behavior and the area they are posing a problem. We also offer free training and support for all aspects of bird control.

Our professional grade bird deterrents are manufactured in the US and carry industry-leading guarantees. For help choosing the right product for your bird problem call us at 800-392-6915 or email


  • Bird Spikes: Physical bird deterrent humanely prevents large birds from landing on flat or curved surfaces.
  • Bird Netting: Used as a physical barrier to block birds unwanted areas. Humane and 100% effective.
  • Electric Track Bird Deterrents: Low profile electric track systems do not harm birds but do condition them to avoid the area.
  • Bird Slope: Blocks birds from landing on beams and ledges. Effective where birds have been nesting.
  • Bird Wire: Post and wire system creates an unstable, uncomfortable landing surface for large birds.
  • Bird Spiders: Used for concentrated areas, these bird deterrents move in the wind to scare birds from landing.
  • Bird Repellers: Spin continuously to prevent birds from landing.
  • Bird Repellents: Use nontoxic agents that birds cannot stand to keep areas bird free.
  • Professional Bird Traps: Used to trap and relocate birds.
  • Bird Sound Deterrents: Use recorded bird distress and predator calls to scare birds from large open And More!

It is important to choose the correct bird control product for your particular pest bird problem. If you are having trouble choosing the correct product, please call our product specialists at 800-392-6915 for help!

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