Bird-Out Aromatic Bird Repellent


NEW PRODUCT!  Commercial Pricing available by calling our office at 800-392-6915. 

Bird-Out Aromatic Repellent is a fast acting, trouble-free solution that keeps pest birds away from patios, decks, garages, warehouses and other outdoor areas. Each easy-to-use cartridge contains a 20% concentration of Methyl Anthranilate, a food-grade ingredient proven to repel birds. Activate the cartridge with a twist, snap it into the dispenser, and enjoy up to 60-days of effortless protection. For nesting birds or heavy bird infestations, additional bird deterrents may be needed. For help solving your bird problem , please give our experts a call. (Bird-Out is NOT for sale in the state of Conneticut)

  • Small, silent, and discreet
  • Grape scent that repels birds
  • Easy to install, effective for up to 60 days
  • Protects up to a 20’ x 20’ x 20’ area
  • No batteries required
  • See below for order inquiries to Alaska & Hawaii 
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

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Bird Species
domestic pigeons and rock doves, starlings, seagulls, blackbirds including grackles, cliff swallows, sparrows, house finches, and American crows
Where to Use
Use this product to repel birds from small areas where birds roost such as balconies, decks, patios, garages, tool sheds, warehouses, barns, building ledges, outdoor dining areas, windowsills, backyards, and other outdoor areas.
Bird Pressure
Light to Medium
Active ingredient
Methyl Anthranilate (MA) 20%
Passive Dispenser and Cartridge
Installation Instructions & Videos (Below)
Expertise Level
Easy, DIY Friendly

Commercial Pricing available by calling our office at 800-392-6915.

Bird-Out Aromatic Bird Repellent deters pest birds including pigeons, sparrows, gulls from roosting or congregating in small outdoor areas. 

How Does It Repel Birds?

Bird-Out Aromatic Bird Repellent has an effect on birds similar to the irritation you experience when cutting white onions. The reusable dispenser passively distributes Methyl Anthranilate (MA) into the air, a substance that irritates the birds’ receptors associated with taste and smell.  

This aromatic bird repellent drives birds crazy, but people and other animals don’t sense anything other than a mild grape smell. This makes Bird-Out the perfect bird control solution for areas such as decks, patios, garages, and other outdoor areas. 

  • It's the grape smell that repels birds
  • The only thing you’ll notice is the distinct absence of birds.

Coverage & Placement 

Simply mount the dispenser in a discreet location, lift the cover and insert a cartridge containing a powerful 20% concentration of (MA), replace the cover, and walk away. Each cartridge will repel birds from a 20’x 20’ x 20’ area (8,000 cu. ft.) for approximately 60 days. 

  • Place additional dispensers at 15' - 20’ intervals as needed for extra protection. 
  • Additional cartridges come in packs of 2 or 6, so you can always have a replacement handy. 

Prepping the Area

To increase your chances of success, prep the area. Remove sources of food and water, clean and sanitizes evidence of prior nesting material and remnants of bird droppings.

If bird pressure is medium to heavy, it is recommended to use Bird-Out Aromatic Repellent in conjunction with other solutions such as sound or visual deterrents or barriers such as spikes or netting. 


  • Versatile. Ideal for residential, commercial, and agricultural use.
  • Low cost. No batteries required.
  • Simple to use. It’s as easy as lifting the dispenser cover and popping in a fresh cartridge once every 60 days.
  • Effective. Successfully deters pest birds
  • Humane. MA a food-grade ingredient does not harm birds in any way. It’s a smell that repels birds.
  • Easy to install. The dispenser can be mounted on any vertical surface. No assembly is required.
  • Easy to maintain. Cartridge replacement is fast and easy.
  • Scalable. Increasing coverage is as simple as installing additional dispensers.
  • Virtually invisible. The dispenser doesn’t need to be seen to work.
  • Non-conductive. Does not interfere with electrical or communication transmissions.

KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. It is a violation of Federal Law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Use only as directed on label. This product cannot be applied in areas when non-target birds or Threatened or Endangered Birds may be present. Do not apply directly to water, such as lakes, reservoirs, ponds, streams and canals; however, overspray to water bodies can be expected with proper use of this product.

*This product is currently going through EPA registration and may not be available for immediate sale in all states. (Bird-Out is NOT for sale in the state of Conneticut)

Bird-Out inquiries shipping to Alaska & Hawaii: 

  • Parcel shipments cannot be shipped to HI or AK
  • Only bulk orders are accepted
  • For inquiries please call 800-392-6915

Installation Instructions:

Installation videos can be seen below for detailed explanations for residential and commercial applications. Install Bird-Out dispenser and cartridge vertically. DO NOT INSTALL BIRD-OUT HORIZONTALLY.

  1. Clean & Sanitize the infested areas (8 Tips to Properly Clean-Up Bird Droppings)
  2. Select an area to mount the passive air dispenser. It should be in close proximity to the problematic area. Areas with active air flow work the best.
  3. Prep the surface area before installing the dispenser using an alcohol wipe.
  4. Remove the protective layer from the double-sided adhesive foam pad and stick the dispenser to the wall.
  5. Attach the dispenser to the wall using a screwdriver and screws to secure it. Drywall anchors are included and should be used when applicable.
  6. Press the button at the base of the dispenser and unlock the cover.
  7. Lift the cover of the dispenser so it snaps into place.
  8. Place the open cartridge on the base until it snaps and close the cover.
  9. Place dispensers no more than 20-ft apart (15-ft apart for best results & weather permitting)
  10. Replace cartridges every 60 days.

Commercial Pricing Available: 800-392-6915

Complete Installation Instructions
Download Installation Instructions (PDF)

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