Effective Bird Control for The Aviation Industry

Pest birds have plagued the aviation industry for decades. Bird strikes—when birds are sucked into jet engines or rotating props—often occur when aircraft land or take off. On average, birds collide with airplanes about 20 times a day in the United States.
Paul Eschenfelder, a pilot and member of Bird Strike Committee USA notes that a bird can crumple an airplane’s nose cone, punch a hole in a wing, disable the ground steering, or destroy an engine. He also indicated that a jet engine can’t just swallow a bird and keep going. He notes that some bird strikes can be particularly hazardous, causing aircraft to perform an emergency landing and engage in costly repairs. One can’t forget the bird strike in New York that forced a jet plane to land in the Hudson River.
Birds Wreak Havoc in Hangers
Besides creating runway hazards, birds will often roost and nest in the high ceiling rafters of aircraft hangars, leaving bird droppings, feathers and other bird debris on floors and aircraft being serviced with their cowlings open. When this debris falls into delicate engine parts and assemblies, the result can be both problematic and dangerous. Bird droppings can also create dangerous slip-and-fall hazards to maintenance and repair crews. Either way, birds in aircraft hangars can cause damage, maintenance delays and unnecessary clean ups.
The problem is that many airports and airfields are located near marshlands or open bodies of water. These provide a natural habitat for large waterfowl, such as geese.
Preferred Bird Control Strategies
Ideally, bird control measures should be installed when airports are built. Most contractors already have access to special tools and lift equipment, so installing bird deterrents at this stage is both simplified and economical. A proactive approach can keep pest birds away from airports and out of aircraft hangars. The next best tactic is to deter birds as soon as they’re noticed. Delays in implementing bird controls will only allow birds to gather in greater numbers around airports.
Bird Controls to Match Your Need
Bird controls most often recommended for airports and aviation include:
- Bird Net 2000
Recommended for excluding pest birds from hangars, overhangs and other semi-enclosed areas, Bird Net 2000 3/4” mesh netting creates a physical barrier that won’t allow birds to land or nest. The netting is easy to install using Bird B Gone’s complete line of professional grade installation hardware.
- Stainless Steel Bird Spikes
Ideal for keeping birds off hangars, radar equipment and runway signs, these bird spikes come in 1-, 3-, 5- and 8-inch splay widths to provide increasingly wider areas of protection—up to 10 inches wide. The rugged spiked strips feature a patented “bend-and-crush” design, which means the spikes are firmly embedded in an unbreakable UV-protected polycarbonate base. This flexible base bends a full 360 degrees, so it can easily “follow” a variety of curved mounting surfaces.
- Bird Jolt Flat Track Kit
This low-profile, electric track system produces a harmless electric shock that “educates” pest birds to stay off horizontal surfaces. Lightweight and flexible, the track is easy to install—it bends 360° without compromising its electrical integrity. It’s the only electric track bird deterrent system with patented anti-arcing and glue troughs designs for improved safety and performance.
- Industrial Pond Netting
Bird B Gone’s has pond netting excludes geese and other birds from marsh ponds, tailing ponds, retention ponds, water collection sites, oil pits, and similar areas. Fabricated of high-strength Dupont® nylon knotted black mesh, the netting comes in several mesh sizes—from ¾”- to 1-3/4”. Developed especially for industrial use, the netting is tough and strong, with a break strength of 116 pounds. It comes in various sizes and lengths to protect even the largest ponds.
- The Agrilaser®
This hand-held device uses advanced, patented optical laser-beam technology to harmlessly repel pest birds over great distances—up to 2,000 meters. Much like an approaching car, birds perceive the green laser beam as a rapidly approaching physical threat, so they flee the area. Ideal for repelling a variety of birds, including geese, the Agrilaser® comes with two rechargeable batteries and power charger.
Expert Assistance
If you’re unsure about which product would work best for your specific situation, Bird B Gone has over 80 years of combined experience in the field of bird control. We can help you with product selection, installation and cleanup. Just call us at 800-392-6915 for a catalog, pricing, or product samples or email us at nobirds@birdbgone.com. We also work with a network of authorized installers, call today for a trained bird control professional in your area.