Pigeon Spikes that Deter Pigeons and their Poop

Pigeon Spikes that Deter Pigeons and their Poop

Posted on July 24, 2014 by Kathy Fritsch in Bird Spikes

Pigeon spikes are often needed because pigeons are highly sociable animals. This means if the pigeon has found your home or structure it could be at least a flock of 20 to 30 birds. With 20 or 30 birds on, lets say your roof; there is a lot of poop happening. Pigeons congregate off the ground on buildings, the higher the better. If you have a pigeon problem, you will notice their poop on the sidewalks, patio furniture and down the sides of the buildings.

Not a very pretty site to look at. If the pigeons are near where you eat, live and congregate, there should be a concern. Droppings from the pigeon can harbor many different types of diseases and bacteria. Psittacosis is one type of bacterial organisms found in bird droppings. It is also known as parrot fever. Parrot fever has the capability of causing severe illness in humans. The symptoms can include high fever, conjunctivitis, arthritic pains and pneumonia.

Another disease prone to transmission to humans from bird feces is more commonly known. Salmonella. If a human comes in contact with pigeon droppings and doesn't wash their hand, this bacterium can spread. You often hear about salmonella contaminating food.

Not only is disease a terrible consequence to pigeons going unchecked, but also their droppings can cause harm to your business or home. Bird poop is very acidic and can eat through just about every material there is. If poop is allowed to accumulate on a rooftop, not only could you need a new roof, but also the weight of the droppings built up over time could cause the roof to cave in. There are documented cases of this happening; one example is a gas station. Nobody was harmed over that incident, thankfully. Putting bird control products in place will keep pigeons and other pest birds away from your buildings. First it is important to eliminate any food source the birds can get at. This includes dog and cat food, uncovered trash bins and trash and food thrown on the ground.

Pigeon spikes can be placed around the perimeter of the roof, patio coverings and on top of light posts and fences. These areas are where birds tend to perch and look around for their food source. If there is a garden in the back yard of your home, garden bird netting is another bird control method to install. Garden bird netting can be suspended over the plants, which eliminates access to the plants. If there is nothing for them to get into, no comfortable spot to land on, they will fly on by. Garden bird netting can also be wrapped around the entire tree. Fruit trees should be protected form pest birds if you want to enjoy any of the fruit. Pigeons do not normally hang out in trees, but there are many other pest birds you also need to be prepared for.

There are various simple solutions to choose from, bird netting, bird spikes, visual deterrents and many other forms of bird control. Pairing a couple of bird control methods together will ensure a bird free environment.