4 Ways Bird Feces can Damage your Building
Building owners and facilities managers spend millions every year dealing with the damage caused by pest birds. A key contributor to this damage is bird feces, which birds such as gulls and pigeons deposit in large mounds on and around a building. Here are four ways this debris can cause major damage to your building.
1. Damage to Frontage. Bird feces gathering on display windows, benches, canopies, umbrellas and lampposts can eat into the paint, cloth, plastic and metal finishes on these surfaces. The acid in bird feces can erode and destroy window and door seals. It can also ruin cloth and plastic coverings and damage hinges and louvers.
2. Equipment Damage. Bird feces can block the airflow of vents and intake screens of rooftop AC units. Skylights can be blocked and rendered non-operational by bird feces. Solar panels and security cameras can be rendered ineffective as this debris gathers on and around them. Signage and circulating rooftop ventilators can also be damaged.
3. Roof Damage. Bird feces can eat into the sub-roofing materials of a roof and eventually cause leaks. Mounds of feces can stop up rainspouts and gutters, causing water to seep under roofing tiles. In the case of a flat roof, clogged rain gutters can result in hundreds or even thousands of gallons of water pooling up on the roof. This has caused these types of roofs to actually collapse, leading to tens of thousands of dollars of damage.
4. Potential Fire Hazards. Bird feces, nesting debris and feathers make excellent kindling for fires. When this debris gathers in electric signs or other electrical machinery, a heated bulb or tiny spark can easily ignite a fire that can destroy an entire building.
The Solution: Bird B Gone
Bird B Gone has over 80 years of combined experience in how to get rid of pigeons. We can help you with product selection, installation and cleanup. Just call us at (888) 570-0360 for a catalog, pricing, or product samples or email us at nobirds@birdbgone.com. We also work with a network of authorized installers, call today for a trained bird control professional in your area.