Bird-B-Gone Ornithologist Gives Advice on Urban Bird Control to Ornithologists Around the Globe

Bird-B-Gone Ornithologist Gives Advice on Urban Bird Control to Ornithologists Around the Globe

Posted on February 19, 2012 by Fran Prisco in Press Releases

Bird-B-Gone's Ornithologist, Dr. Rob Fergus, recently gave a lecture to scientists from around the globe on urban bird control at the International Congress for Conservation Biology held in Auckland, New Zealand.

The lecture was titled Urban bird Conservation: For Birds and People and focused the practical aspects of urban bird conservation and education. Dr. Fergus also considered how urban bird conservation efforts could be integrated in sustainable city planning and design.

Urban settings attract birds for a variety of reasons, namely shelter and a continual food source. These birds can become a nuisance when they decide to roost or nest in areas where the buildup of bird droppings and nesting materials pose an operational, health or safety risk. Dr. Rob proposed that Ornithologists work with cities and municipalities for humane effective solutions to bird problems.

Dr. Fergus specializes in urban ecology and human/wildlife interactions. He received his Ph.D. in urban bird conservation from the University of Texas at Austin. In addition to researching and consulting on human/bird interactions in cities across the United States, Latin America, and Europe, Dr. Fergus currently teaches at Rowan University in Glassboro, New Jersey and Rosemont College in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Bird-B-Gone, Inc is the only bird control company with an on staff ornithologist. Customers contact Dr. Fergus through Ask the Bird Expert to get answers about humane, effective bird control measures in a variety of settings. The addition of Dr. Fergus to the Bird-B-Gone team has helped close the gap between the science of nature, and the nature of bird control.

About: At Bird-B-Gone its our expertise, training and customer service that set us apart. Our high quality bird control products carry the longest industry guarantees, and are proudly made in the United States.