Bird Netting as Bird Control
Have you gone out to your backyard patio and garden on a Saturday morning only to find the mess and destruction the pest birds have created in your yard during the week? If you have not relied upon a bird deterrent, your answer will probably be “yes.” A lot of birds can be very beneficial to nature and some even to your garden, but these are not the birds that create the awful clean up, and damage to your property. If you can easily see the damage to your fruit trees, and feces around your deck and outside furniture, then surely they are also trying to nest under the eaves of your home where it is not as visible. You will want to nip the bird’s behavior in the bud; ultimately, before they start to roost and nest anywhere near your home.
Learn from others mistakes. Each year many homeowners spend numerous hours and money cleaning up the devastation that the pest bird has left behind. Accumulated droppings around bird nests can be a playground for fleas, ticks, mites and other ectoparasites. If you have animals in the home, this can be especially burdensome, causing more money to be spent on your animals and inside flea control. The droppings are also dangerous to humans. It can cause respiratory problems stemming from histoplasmosis and other airborne diseases if you breathe in the spores that linger on the droppings.
Protecting your home and family members, including your pets, from the nuisance of roosting pest birds can be done by installing bird netting. The netting can be put into place simply by using the plastic netting clips that secure the netting where the birds may be vulnerable to roosting and nesting, such as the eaves under your home. The bird netting comes in a variety of sizes, enabling the netting to keep birds out of fruit trees or berry bushes. No matter where you need the netting, it is virtually invisible, and will not take away from the aesthetics of your home. The polypropylene netting is U.V. protected, lightweight yet durable, and long lasting.
Another inexpensive bird deterrent that can be easily used in conjunction with netting is a bird diverter. Installation consists of hanging them in your trees or along your patio or gazebo. On the bird diverter is an iridescent foil eye that scares the bids away, making the bird think it is a predator’s eye.
The purpose of the bird netting and the Bird Diverter is not to harm the bird in anyway, but to make it impossible for them to damage your home or to roost and nest on your property. Every homeowner deserves that special weekend gathering outdoors with family and friends in a clean and healthy environment. It doesn’t take a lot of manual labor, just a few smart purchases.