Birds nesting on your building? Things you need to know

Birds nesting on your building? Things you need to know

Posted on April 17, 2016 by Alex Kecskes in Bird Control

Spring is here. And as a building owner/manager, you’ve probably seen birds arriving in, on and around your building. They’ll come looking for nesting sites. Chances are, your building has plenty of areas where birds can build nests. The temptation is to remove these nest with whatever means seem easiest—water hose, air gun, or simply hand removal by maintenance personnel. But be warned, not all birds are created equal in the eyes of the law.

Migratory Birds Are Protected

Many migratory birds are protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918, and many bird are protected by the Endangered Species Act. Protected species include Canada Geese, swallows, woodpeckers and gulls. The statutes make it illegal to intentionally capture, kill or disrupt protected birds. These laws and others like it impose costly penalties for anyone who disturbs nests, hatchlings, eggs or harms the birds in any way.

Unprotected Birds

Currently, there are only three birds that are NOT federally protected: feral pigeons, European starlings and house sparrows. So removing their nests or injuring them or their eggs can result in a costly fine. Building owners can avoid these bird problems by installing HUMANE bird deterrents BEFORE birds arrive.

The Humane Solution: Bird B Gone

Bird B Gone offers a number of deterrents and repellents for keeping pest birds away from buildings, structures and wide-open areas. If you’re unsure about which product would work best for your specific situation, Bird B Gone has over 90 years of combined experience in the field of bird control. We can help you with product selection, installation and cleanup. Just call us at (800) 392-6915 for a catalog, pricing, or product samples or email us at We also work with a network of authorized installers, call today for a trained bird control professional in your area.