How to control pigeons on your home

How to control pigeons on your home

Posted on May 3, 2016 by Kathy Fritsch in Pigeon Control

Pigeons are interesting birds, but they are also a nuisance. Did you know that pigeons were once considered war heroes? During the first and second World Wars the pigeons carried messages across enemy lines and this saved thousands of lives. But did you also know that pigeons can roost and nest on your home and their droppings are very acidic and damaging? The birds and their droppings are also unhealthy to humans. The droppings and their nesting sites are full of parasites and bugs. The pigeon is also associated with human diseases such as histoplasmosis, cryptococcosis and psittacosis. Carrying diseases across enemy lines might not be such a bad thing, but having them around the home is.

Feral pigeons love structures and window ledges. Both mimic the rocky cliffs which were their original habitat of their ancient ancestors in Europe. The deterrents used need to block their access to your home and other structures such as a garage or shed on your property. Pigeons are considered the number one pest bird problem in the United States and around the world. There are products that have been developed to help get rid of the nuisance.

All pest birds, especially the pigeon, are remarkably good at spotting access points such as gutters, air conditioners, and external ledges. Pigeons favor roosting on level surfaces, and this is why they are drawn to your home and garage. Altering the structure is the most effective way to control where they roost. It makes it challenging for the pigeon to roost comfortably on the building surface. One way to keep the nuisance pigeon from roosting near your home structures is to install bird spikes. They come in plastic and stainless steel offering a virtually invisible and humane way to keep the pest pigeon and other large pest birds from landing on your roof and ledges, therefore eliminating their droppings from accumulating. The pigeon spikes fit well on any curved or flat surface where the pigeons are known to roost. Bird spikes can either be put on using adhesive or attached with screws. Plastic bird spikes are very versatile. They come in a variety of colors to match the structure that they are being applied to. There are 3 different width sizes, from 3” to 7.” The 3” to 7” strips of spikes act as an irritation barrier to exclude birds from the surface without harm. The spikes are an ultimate bird deterrent for pigeons.

Applying the bird spikes before the pest bird can cause damage is ideal. Once there is a build-up of their droppings, the cost of the damage and clean up would be drastically more than installing the simple bird deterrent spikes. Pigeon droppings damage and deteriorate buildings. Large amounts of feces produce an unpleasant odor. It is particularly imperative for health purposes to not allow the pigeon droppings to accumulate.

The spikes are easy to install and most home owners can easily secure the spikes into place. The spikes have blunted ends, so the installer is in no danger of being injured. The pigeon also will not be harmed in any way should it get close to the spikes. Professional installers are also available to help direct you to the best way to implement this type of bird control method.