House Sparrows in Spring, How They Can Cause Havoc on Your Building

House Sparrows in Spring, How They Can Cause Havoc on Your Building

Posted on April 24, 2016 by Alex Kecskes in Bird Control

House sparrows are here. They began arriving in late spring, causing all sorts of costly damage in and around buildings. They may be small but their numbers are massive. Fail to address them with effective and humane bird controls and you can expect major headaches in the coming months.

Acres of Droppings

If you haven’t already noticed, House sparrows leave lots of droppings. On entrances, windows, doors, signage canopies, AC units, solar panels, security cameras, lighting and just about every surface on your building. Left to gather, these acidic droppings can eat into and damage metal, wood, plastic, vinyl, even stonework. On walkways and entryways, bird droppings can lead to dangerous slip-and-fall hazards.

Damage and Fire Hazards

House sparrows have a nasty habit of pecking the rigid foam insulation inside buildings. These small birds get into the smallest cracks and crevices. They build bulky, flammable nests, creating a potential fire hazard in electric signage and machinery housings. Sparrow nests also cause flooding from backups in gutters and drainage pipes. These nests have also been known to clog machinery.

Sparrows Carry Diseases

House sparrows can be a factor in the dissemination of diseases. These include chlamydiosis, coccidiosis, erysipeloid, Newcastle’s, parathypoid, pullorum, salmonellosis, tuberculosis, various encephalitis viruses, and internal parasites. So their presence can create a health hazard, particularly in areas where food is stored, processed or served.

Noisy Birds

Since they often congregate in large numbers, House sparrows can be extremely noisy. This can be a major distraction inside buildings, disrupting operations. The noise creates stress among employees, leading to errors and miscommunication.

Consult the Experts: Bird B Gone

Bird B Gone offers a number of deterrents and repellents for keeping House sparrows away from buildings, structures and wide-open areas. If you’re unsure about which product would work best for your specific situation, Bird B Gone has over 80 years of combined experience in the field of bird control. We can help you with product selection, installation and cleanup. Just call us at (888) 570-0360 for a catalog, pricing, or product samples or email us at We also work with a network of authorized installers, call today for a trained bird control professional in your area.