Shock Gulls with electric bird deterrent tracks

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Shock Gulls with electric bird deterrent tracks

Posted on July 7, 2016 by Alex Kecskes in Bird Deterrents

Summer is here and so are the gulls, large birds flocking in ever increasing numbers around fishing boats, airports, picnic grounds, rooftops, parking lots and garbage dumps. Many species of gulls live, feed, and nest inland. Wherever they gather, you can be sure that they will leave acres of droppings, which can reduce the functional life of some building roofs by 50%. The acidic nature of gull droppings can corrode metal structures and painted finishes.

Gulls can also transport nesting materials and food remains to rooftops, which can clog roof drainage systems and lead to structural damage. Gulls can be particularly hazardous around airports, as they are involved in more collisions with aircraft than any other bird group. Gull scavenging around dumpsites often seek water from reservoirs, which raises the potential for transmitting diseases to humans on a large scale. Gull droppings can also create dangerous slip-and-fall hazards on walkways around buildings and other structures.

Keeping pest gulls off building and structures can pose a challenge. The large birds are federally protected migratory birds, which means, once the eggs hatch, nothing can be done until they leave. Fortunately, the bird control experts at Bird B Gone have an effective, economical and humane solution to pest gulls.

Bird-B-Gone’s Bird Jolt Flat Track

These electrified flat tracks impart a harmless electric shock that “educates” gulls to stay away. Humane and highly effective, Bird Jolt Flat Track is specifically designed to deter gulls from perching and roosting by modifying a their behavior, for once shocked, gulls are reluctant to return.

Easy to Install

Simple to install and set up, the track features a flexible UV-protected PVC base that bends a full 360° without compromising its integrity. The track can easily follow the rounded surfaces of signage letters and the curved architectural features of a canopy or arch. The track is totally waterproof and features tight connections to ensure both safety and installation ease. Installed, the low-profile track is almost invisible, since it measures just 1/4" at its highest point. Available in six colors—clear, grey, stone, black, terracotta and red—the track blends in easily with its surroundings. It comes in 100 ft. rolls, and can be glued down to virtually any surface. The entire system is powered by either an AC charger or solar charger.

Advanced Durability and Safety Features

Bird Jolt Flat Track is the only electric track bird deterrent system with patented anti-arcing design to guard against track short outs. It’s also the only system with patented glue troughs along the base to insulate the track’s conductors. To ensure durability and safety, the track features a marine grade Monel knitted wire. This wire is not only stronger than steel but resists the corrosive effects found in alkali or acidic environments. The unique knitted design incorporates a single strand of high gauge wire and a tube-within-a-tube construction for superior conductivity and strength.

Ask the Experts

Bird B Gone offers a number of deterrents and repellents for keeping pest gulls away. If you’re unsure about which product would work best for your specific situation, Bird B Gone has over 90+ years of combined experience in the field of bird control. We can help you with product selection, installation and cleanup. Just call us at (800) 392-6915 for a catalog, pricing, or product samples or email us at We also work with a network of authorized installers, call today for a trained bird control professional in your area.