The Facts on Nesting Pest Birds Infographic
It's Spring and birds are building nests. Unfortunately they often choose buildings and homes to build them on. But don't disturb those nests until you know if that bird is protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918. Get the facts... Check out this Bird Nesting Infographic.
If they are a protected bird; their nests, eggs and young can not be tampered with. So the best way to keep these unwanted yearly guests away is to install humane bird deterrents before they arrive.
This infographic covers information about:
- Pigeon Nests
- Starling Nests
- Barn & cliff swallow Nests
- Woodpecker Nests
- Goose Nests
This helpful bird nesting infographic will also offer key information about the nests that are Federally protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) or by the Endangered Species Act (ESA). This way, you will be educated about the most effective and lawful way to deter unwanted birds and their nests!
A complete list of protected birds by the ESA can be
found at U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.
These laws can impose costly penalties for anyone who disturbs
nests, hatchlings, or harms the birds in any way. The MBTA and
ESA do allow for passive measures of bird control, such as humane
deterrent and repellent measures and devices. The MBTA and ESA
also allow for modifying or degrading land that is part of a migratory
bird habitat.