How to Spare Yourself from Sparrow Troubles

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How to Spare Yourself from Sparrow Troubles

Posted on December 8, 2019 by Bird B Gone in Bird Control

North American sparrows are ubiquitous; they can be found in large numbers in every state across the nation. What’s more, sparrows are social and love people; they deliberately build their nests around buildings and homes. (Maybe they like watching us as much as we like watching them?) A handful of these adorable birds is a delight; an entire population of sparrows is a menace. (If you’re dealing with a full-fledged flock of sparrows, you know exactly what we mean.) Honestly, even small numbers of sparrows can be a problem when they are nesting in troublesome locations.

What’s the solution to a sparrow problem?

Take Sparrow Control Seriously

Sparrow trouble is no laughing matter. Their fearless nature and their tendency to build nests in and around buildings and property make these birds real pests that cause real problems.

The Mess

Sparrows are resourceful nest architects; they use just about anything they can find to construct their creations. Twigs and leaves are to be expected, but sparrows also use garbage and other debris as building materials. Sparrows carry all this miscellaneous detritus to their preferred nesting locations, which include windowsills, eaves, A/C units, solar panels, vents, chimneys, and other tiny places where they feel sheltered and protected. Sparrows’ nests and the sparrows that live in them can damage and even destroy equipment. 

Dust and debris, including sparrow droppings, can get sucked inside and spread through the air. Dry, abandoned nests in vents and HVAC units are a fire hazard. Nests can back up gutters and clog drainpipes. The sparrow’s nest in your patio birdhouse is adorable; the sparrow’s nest in your dryer vent is a potential disaster.

Sparrow taking weaving from plant hanger to make nest

The Damage

The damage from sparrows’ nests is just the beginning. Sparrows have strong, sharp beaks that they use to create holes in wood for their nests. Nesting sparrows cause very real damage to eaves, windows and roofs as they peck away pieces of your home to create a space for their new home. They also love to peck away rigid foam insulation, creating warm, cozy nooks and crannies for their nests and headaches for property owners.

But sparrow nests are, by far, not the only problem; it’s time to talk about droppings. Yep, we need to go there. Sparrows poop a lot and they poop everywhere. If you’ve got sparrows, you’ll find their droppings on windows, doors, canopies, A/C units, solar panels, security cameras, lights, sidewalks, and stairs; any surface you name, sparrows have probably pooped there. Left untreated, these acidic, highly corrosive droppings will permanently damage metal, wood, plastic, vinyl, concrete, and even stone. When left to collect on walkways, stairs, and entryways, slippery, slimy sparrow droppings create disgusting and hazardous conditions.

The Diseases

If messy nests and nasty droppings aren’t enough to convince you that sparrows are a nuisance, consider this: sparrows often carry parasites like ticks and mites that can be easily shared with sparrows’ human neighbors. What’s even worse is that many of these parasites carry dangerous diseases that can be life-threatening to people, such as chlamydiosis, coccidiosis, tuberculosis, various encephalitis viruses, and internal parasites. The presence of sparrows and their nests creates a very real human health hazard, particularly in areas where food is stored, processed, or served. Regular sparrow-dropping cleanup costs, especially those mandated around restaurants and outdoor eateries, can be significant.

sparrows eating from the table of  an outdoor dining area

The Other Annoyances

Aside from the messes, damages, and diseases that accompany large populations of sparrows, these pesky birds cause several other annoyances.

  • They’re noisy. If you’ve got them around your home, you’re well aware of this, as they’re probably waking you up every morning between 3 and 4 am as the sun is preparing to rise. But sparrows can also be a major distraction inside buildings. Their noisy chatter creates stress among employees, leading to errors, miscommunications, and disruption of operations.
  • They’re hungry. Their endless appetite for seeds will damage gardens and harm fruit trees.
  • They’re persistent. Sparrows love to come back year after year to torment you afresh in the spring.

Find Real Solutions

The bird control experts at Bird B Gone take sparrow control seriously. We understand completely the troubles uncontrolled populations of sparrows cause and we have real, lasting solutions designed to help you keep the sparrows at bay. Solving your sparrow problem might be as simple as installing netting over your outdoor vents to keep the sparrows from nesting there, but it’s more likely to require a thoughtful strategy involving a combination of proven sparrow control solutions.

If it’s time to take control of your sparrow problem, call Bird B Gone. Bird B Gone offers several deterrents and repellents proven to keep sparrows away from buildings, structures, and wide-open areas. We’ll help you develop a plan that includes one or more of the following elements:

  1. Clean & Sanitize. Sparrows are attracted to their own messes, so you need to remove all evidence of prior sparrow habitation. Get rid of the nests and clean up the droppings. If these messes are extensive, get professional help to avoid contact with the toxins associated with sparrows.
  2. Remove food. Toss the bird feeder, close all trash containers, cleanup the area, and discourage visitors from feeding the birds.
  3. Install Barriers. Netting is an effective barrier to keep sparrows away. Spread it over gardens and fruit trees, clip it to eaves or balconies, or staple it over nooks and crannies to keep the sparrows out. Netting from Bird B Gone comes in light and heavy weights for use in residential or commercial applications and is an easy-to-use physical deterrent that serves as an impenetrable barrier, protecting your property from unwanted sparrows.
  4. Use Deterrents. Sparrows can be deterred from lingering on your property using sight, sound, and touch. Bird B Gone offers a number of effective deterrents, including Spectrum V and Avian Block. Spectrum V Holographic Bird Gel discs applied to rafters and ledges will prevent sparrows from landing. Sparrows see the reflected light, get irritated by the smell, and hate the sticky feeling of the gel on their feet; they quickly learn to avoid these areas. Avian Block repels sparrows by slowly releasing methyl anthranilate into the air. MA is a non-toxic natural substance that irritates the mucous membranes of birds and they hate it. Red Tailed Hawk Decoys, laser lights, and sound deterrents also create distraction zones that sparrows will avoid.
  5. Set Traps. The Sparrow Sky Trap from Bird B Gone humanely captures sparrows in high traffic areas. This hanging trap features a proven V-top entry design and can hang from the ceiling or sit on a flat surface. A wide pan captures droppings and other debris and slides out for easy cleaning. The Sky Trap includes perches and water/feed containers inside to calm birds after capture.

Regardless of which methods you choose, it’s important to know that bird deterrents are not destructive to the bird or your property. Bird control methods from Bird B Gone blend seamlessly into the environment and safely get rid of sparrows.

Trust Bird B Gone

If you’re unsure about which product would work best for your sparrow problem, remember that Bird B Gone has over 80 years of combined experience in the field of bird control. Our team will help you with product selection, installation, and cleanup. Just call us at (888) 570-0360 for a catalog, pricing, or product email us at Don’t struggle with sparrows one more day; call Bird B Gone to solve the problem.