Birds nesting on your home?  Find out what you can do

Birds nesting on your home? Find out what you can do

Posted on April 19, 2016 by Kathy Fritsch in Bird Control

If you have noticed bird nesting materials around your home, before you get rid of the nests and birds, first know what type of bird you are trying to get rid of. Some birds are protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918. What this means is that once a nest is built and it is inhabited and eggs are in the nest it cannot be disturbed. This means it is illegal to “pursue, hunt, capture, kill, attempt to take, capture or kill, possess, offer for sale, sell, offer to purchase, purchase, deliver for shipment, ship, cause to be shipped, deliver for transportation, transport,…for protection of the migratory birds…or any part, nest or egg of any such bird.” There are fines up to $100,000 for individuals and $200,000 for organizations, imprisonment or both if caught doing any wrongful acts.

Non-protected birds, Pigeons, House Sparrows and European starlings are the ones you can get rid of anytime. To get rid of them, implementing bird control in the yard and around the home must be done. Be sure to deter them before they build their nests.

Bird Control Resolutions

There are many different kinds of bird control products to pick from that will fit just about any pest bird problem. The solutions will help save money on clean up, protect from property damage, and protect the health of those who come in contact with the bird debris and droppings, as they are very acidic and are hazardous to your health.

Visual Deterrents

One of the simplest and cost effective solution to start with is visual bird deterrents. Visual deterrents include flash tape, scare balloons, hawk decoys and diverters. Visual bird deterrents are used to frighten the birds away. The visual deterrents all have the common scare trigger of predator features along with a reflective surface. Tactically placed on the sides of buildings, in trees, on awnings and such will create a visual disturbance that will keep birds moving past your property. Changing the location of the products from time to time is necessary. Birds are smart, and they can get used to the object which would reduce its effectiveness.

Physical Deterrents

Physical bird deterrents are bird control products that get in the way of the birds perching, roosting or nesting in a specific area. Bird spikes are one type of physical bird deterrent. Birds like to perch and roost high upon a building. They like the vantage point to look out for their predators and to see their food supply that is close by. When placed along the roofline, ledges and parapet walls of the building, the bird spikes will stop the birds from landing. Wherever the spikes are installed, the pest birds will be unable to land. Bird spikes deter the larger pest birds such as pigeons, crows and gulls. There are many choices when it comes to using bird spikes. The choices include stainless steel and plastic bird spikes. There are different widths to choose from depending on the surface they are being laid down on. They can be glued, screwed or tied down to any flat or curved surface. Be sure that the bird spikes have a UV protected polycarbonate base. You also want to make sure they have the patented “bend and crush” design. This guarantees that the spikes will not fall out of the base. The bird spikes are also designed not to hurt the birds if they were to attempt to perch. They are very safe and humane. There are various other physical bird deterrents such as electric track bird deterrent systems, bird slopes and bird netting that is similarly an effective solution. Bird netting is another physical bird deterrent that is used often. These too, are safe and humane.

Sound Deterrents

Sound deterrents are another effective strategy to get rid of bird by scaring them away. There are sonic bird deterrent devices that broadcast predator calls and distress calls of actual birds. The birds hear the familiar warning calls and will fly away from your property. The sound devices have over 22 different types of pre-recorded calls in each unit. Birds hear on the same level as humans. Do not consider buying any type of ultrasonic devices on the market. They are not effective in scaring away pest birds. Sonic units are the only sound deterrents that will be effective in assuaging your pest bird problems.