Bird Slope
Make it Impossible for Birds to Land
Bird Slope is an anti-perching, anti-roosting, deterrent that is effective against all types of birds. Each section of Bird Slope is 4’ long, 7” wide, and is sold 48 feet per box. The slope is made of a UV protected outdoor grade PVC and can be glued down to most surfaces.
Bird Slope Prevents birds from landing and nesting on ledges
- Works on ledges up to 5.5” (13.97 cm) wide
- Unique “Slope Extender” increases coverage for areas up to 10.5” (26.67 cm) wide.
- Effective for both large and small birds.
- Ideal for parking garages, I-beams and 90° ledges.
- Glue trough on underside for easy adhesive application.
- Easy to install End Caps prevent birds from getting behind Slope.
- Made of a UV protected outdoor grade PVC plastic.
- Longest guarantee and lowest cost.
- 4’ (1.22 m) sections for fast installation.